
For years, I focused carefully on improving my products without paying much attention to the amount of business I was reeling in. Unfortunately, after about ten years of work, I could tell that things were slowing down dramatically. I started focusing more seriously on doing a little marketing, starting with improving the signs in front of my business. It was amazing to see how much of a difference a few well-placed signs made, and before we knew it, we were having a great time with all of our new customers. Check out this blog for great information on improving your storefront signs.

4 Ways Awnings Can Work For Your Main St. Shop

5 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Awnings are either metal or cloth, but either way, they work well for both businesses and homes. If you are considering awnings on the front of your new store down along Main Street, you would be making a very smart investment. Just to show you how smart, here are four ways awnings can really work for your Main Street shop. 1. Keeping the Sun Out  If the Main Street in your town runs north-south, and the front of your shop faces east or west, then your shop gets a lot of sun at some point in the day. Read More …

Installing A New Computer Network In Your Office? These Accessories Will Help Optimize Convenience And Efficiency

16 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Installing a new computer network system can be overwhelming and frustrating, even if professional technicians are on the job. Luckily, there are a few accessories you can invest in to make the process more convenient and to optimize efficiency once the job is done. Following are a few important accessories that may benefit your office. Netbooks Make sure that your technicians can test the network as they install it to ensure that every computer will work when they're turned on by your employees by providing them with netbooks to use throughout the installation process. Read More …

2 Simple And Fun Ways To Raise Money For A Cause

6 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Are you trying to raise funds for a good cause? You may want to help people who are combating certain diseases and illnesses or you may want to raise funds for people who have recently experienced a natural disaster in their hometown. If you want to reach a large group of people and raise as much money as possible for a good cause, there are some fun and simple fundraising ideas to consider. Read More …

Own A Business? Two Reasons Why You Should Keep Your Sign In Good Condition

1 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a business you might think that the primary focus should be on improving your products or services. You want your customers to feel that you offer a superior product that they just can't get anywhere else. Although this is certainly important, you don't want to overlook other aspects of your overall brand. One of these is the sign that advertises your company. If it hangs from the roof of your building it likely comes into contact with many different elements that can cause damage. Read More …

3 Things You Need To Know About Driving Traffic To Your Business Using Signs

29 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you run a business you are probably wondering what you can do to drive more traffic to your company. There are many people who pay thousands of dollars on creative marketing without getting the business traffic that they want. One of the best ways to drive traffic to your business is to get a good sign. Here are some things you should know to make using a business sign effective. Read More …

About Me
Improving Storefront Signs

For years, I focused carefully on improving my products without paying much attention to the amount of business I was reeling in. Unfortunately, after about ten years of work, I could tell that things were slowing down dramatically. I started focusing more seriously on doing a little marketing, starting with improving the signs in front of my business. It was amazing to see how much of a difference a few well-placed signs made, and before we knew it, we were having a great time with all of our new customers. Check out this blog for great information on improving your storefront signs.
